Jun 3, 2009

Reporting From Hancock, It's Jeni Jewell

That's right Rock Camp followers, PJ and kids will be on Upper Peninsula TV as Jeni Jewell from WLUC TV6 in Marquette, MI paid a visit Wednesday evening. Jeni began by shooting video as songs were practiced. When it came time to interview the Campers, she said she, "didn't want to break any hearts". Jeni picked a month and asked who was born in that month. She then asked those kids if they would be comfortable being interviewed for the TV broadcast. About halfway through the first interview,

Todd felt a need to start lobbing some softball questions at the kids as well.

I was impressed with the intelligence and thoughtfulness of the answers given by the kids. When it came time to interview PJ, I found I had to put my camera down as there was so much emotion when he explained why he was doing the camp and described his experiences growing up in the local music scene in the 80s. This guy has a heart size XXL.

The most fun part of the evening was watching Jeni film the closing. It looks to me like being a TV broadcaster is a pressure-cooker and would not be my choice of careers. Jeni rehearsed the closing to get the day, the time, the event name, the group name, and the sponsors just right. It was impressive that she did this with no notes, no teleprompter, and no assistance of any kind. Jeni is one young lady with a lot of poise.

And just to make sure she's still following Rock Camp, we want all her friends and co-workers to ask her when the concert is. Those of us watching her closing bet she'll never forget.

Thanks Jeni

FULL IMAGE GALLERY from Jeni's Visit

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