Jun 1, 2009

Shoot the Shoot

Todd told me my job during the Rock Star photo shoot was to shoot behind the scenes. There was a lot of scene to shoot behind. Adam Johnson of Brockit had his Rock Star photo equipment and assistants with him. Todd of Brassard Media had two video cameras and a couple of assistants. Jessie was organizing rock star poses from publications, and PJ was a non-stop blur of motion.

The music instructors, "Doc" Milt Olsson, Mike Irish, and Mark Lucier were in the house along with a group of dancers and a special guest appearance by Hannah Bethel. It was definitely a rock star kind of night. It was a real learning experience for me shooting behind Adam as he set up enough lighting to land the space shuttle.

My goal was to be unobtrusive and stay out of the way. To accomplish this, I shot half the time with flash (during Adam's down time and lens swaps) and half the time at high ISO with slow shutter speeds. Since Adam is still as a statue when he shoots, keeping him sharp at slower shutter speeds wasn't too bad. Slow shutter speed is an issue, however, when the non-stop bundle of energy otherwise known as PJ would blur across the lens. It was kind of like shooting a puppy dog circling a fire hydrant getting ready to do his thing. And we all know PJ knows how to do his thing.

The kids were great and the energy in the building reminded me of playing on stage in front of an appreciative audience. I especially enjoyed shooting Mark "Loosh" Lucier and his lovely daughter. I graduated from High School with Mark's wife Paula. When Mark and Paula's daughter had her back to me and was talking to her Dad, I swear it was her mom, same voice, same speech pattern.

Mark, thanks for all the great poses.

Adams, thanks for the great learning experience.

Todd, thanks for the invite.

PJ, thanks for putting on this great event. I keep wishing I was a teenager again so I could be one of your campers.


FULL (lots of pictures) GALLERY

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