I've known Mark since our college days and played in several bands with him. We've also made a couple trips to Jamaica together when we were in the MTU Jazz Lab Band and he's married to one of my High School classmates. Most recently we backed up Hannah Bethel for two performances. Mark is the epitome of the professional musician and is one of the best drummers I've ever had the privilege to play with. Mark does have a dark side though. He's got one wicked sense of humor and at times its so off-the-wall you need modified military radar to pick it up.
Anyway, as I was trying to get a bunch of 58-year olds with a couple of drinks in them lined up for a group photo with Portage Lake in the background, Mark shows up again. This time he planted himself along the left side of the group with this goofy smile on his face like he just belonged. He was going nowhere. My sister-in-law who helped organize the whole event started freaking out and kept saying things like, "Who's that guy" and "He doesn't belong in the picture" and "Is he going to leave"? If you know Sharon, you know she's a pretty cool cucumber, an excellent Emergency Room Nurse and doesn't get easily riled so I was playing this out for all it was worth just to get a little reaction out of her. After all it was a night for a Houghton/Hancock rivalry and I knew Mark would eventually bow out of the photo (at least I thought he would).
Well...after about five minutes of this, I thought maybe he wasn't going to leave. The guys with their creaky 5
So finally Mark left the immediate area and we were able to take the picture with most of the ladies stopping their gabbing long enough to look at the camera. As you can see from this series of photos Mark was introduced to and made-up with my sister and brother-in-law afterwards and all was well. I have to tell you it was one of the more humorous photo sessions I've been involved with.
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